“We will be there every step of the way for our clients.”

About Roland

Roland S. Harris IV has spent his entire career in law standing up for those who need his help the most. As a student at University of Baltimore School of Law, Roland focused on constitutional law. It was a clerkship with the Maryland Office of the Public Defender that changed his direction and ultimately the lives of his clients. After spending time focused on investigating cases and building case files, working on crimes from drug distribution to murder, Roland became a defense attorney after graduating in 2006. Since then, he has defended people who are accused of all types of crimes ranging from trespassing to murder. He has traveled throughout the state trying cases at district and circuit courts as well as successfully arguing appellate cases in Maryland’s Appeals courts.

In 2011, Roland was part of the charge to declare the Baltimore City Gun Registry unconstitutional, even writing several of the briefs that were heard in Circuit Court. Due to the arguments in Roland’s briefs, lawmakers made significant changes to the law which helped several of his clients.

These three things are all too common… Watch the video below to see three mistakes people make all the time, and for help, get in touch with us by calling 888-585-7979.

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Roland S. Harris IV

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